where the birds go for holiday
Birds of Thattekkad

51. Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)

Common Kestrel is a member of the Falconidae family. Its a small bird of prey with males having grey head and tail and rufous upper side heavily marked with black. Tail ends are rounded.Females and juveniles have rufous upper parts heavily streaked with black and have dark barrings on rufous tail. Dark moustachial stripes are also seen. Their breeding season is between January and June. They mainly feed on small rodents. Its vernacular name is Virayan Pullu.


52. Red Necked Falcon (Falco chicquera)

Red Necked Falcon is not a common resident in Kerala. Adults have rufous crown and nape.The upper parts are bluish grey and underside is white with fine black bars.The tail is long with black sub terminal band.Their main diet includes small birds rodents and bats.


53. Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)

Peregrine Falcon is a large member of the falcon family renowned for its speed reaching over 200 mph while it stoops down during hunting. Three sub-species are found here with each of them showing disparity in color. F.p peregrinator has black head and upper parts, with broad black moustachial stripe. Under parts are rufous with black bars.The local name Karimpullu .F.p calidus has slate grey upper parts . F.p babylonicus have pale blue grey upperside with rufous crown and nape. Underparts are white with meager markings.


54. Purple Rumped Sunbird (Nectarinia zeylonica)

Purple Rumped Sunbird are small birds at less than 10 cm. Sexes are dissimilar with males having metallic crimson upper side with a bluish-green crown, purple tinge on the throat and rump.The under side is yellowish. Females have olive brown upper side with white breast and yellow under parts.Therir call is a high pitched ptsee ptsee. Local name is Manja Thenkili.


55. Crimson Backed Sunbird (Nectarinia minima)

Crimson Backed Sunbird or Small Sunbird is a little similar to Purple Rumped Sunbird but smaller than the latter and have deep crimson or maroon upper side.They have a broad crimson collar covering the breast.Belly is yellowish.Females have olive brown upper parts and a crimson red lower rump.Calls include a short thlick thlick and a high pitched see-see-wi-see.Local name is Cheru thenkili

56. Purple Sunbird (Nectarinia asiatica)

Purple Sunbirdare widespread birds found through out India. Breeding males have dark metallic blue with purple undertone. A bright yellow pectoral tuft is a prominent feature. Females have olive brown upperside and a pale yellow underside.Non breeding males are similar to females but with a long black stripe in the yellowish breast.Calls are loud wich-wich. Local name is Karuppan thenkili


57. Loten’s Sunbird (Nectarinia lotenia)

Loten’s Sunbird are endemic to the peninsular India and Sri Lanka. Males have metallic green upper side with purple tinge. A dark crimson band is seen across the breast and bright yellow patches at the side of the breasts. Females are olive with bluish black tail with a white tip. The long curved bill is an adaptation to its feeding habits. Call is hard chit chit.Local name is Valiya thenkili or Kokkan thekili.


58. Crimson Sunbird (Aethopyga siparaja)

Crimson Sunbird are small brilliantly colored bird with males having crimson back and an orange red breast. Tail is long with metallic green colour and have distinctive yellow rump. Females have olive green upper parts with ashy green below. Bill is long and downwardly curved. Their call is a sharp chi-wee. It is seen in deciduous and evergreen forests.


59. Collared Scops Owl (Otus bakkamoena)

Collared Scops Owl is a common bird found all over India. They are small birds, though it’s the largest among the Scops Owl, with grey or brown upper parts and buff under parts with dark streaks. The facial disc is whitish. Eyes are dark brown. They are seen in well wooded areas and near human habitation. Their call is a soft Whuk. They mainly feed on small rodents. It nests in small tree holes and lay 3-5 eggs. Local name is Cheviyan Nathu.


60. Jungle Owlet (Glaucidium radiatum)

Two sub species are found in India .Of which G.Radiatum is found in the plains of India and Srilanka whereas G.Malabaricum is confined to the western ghats. G.r malabaricum is more rufous than G.Radiatum with both of them having fine white barrings on upper and under parts. White patches are seen on the upper breast and abdomen. Local name is Chemban nathu.


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